Friday, March 19, 2010

Doctor Doctor i'm not feeling myself lately...

I know I am 2 years too late and audibly scoffed at this trend before but people can change, right? After seeing a few hotties wearing these with pretty dresses I was never quite the same again, I couldn't shake my interest. I tried to fight it, for some time until yesterday morning I left my house and on my doorstep there were a pair a perfectly worn in Dr.Martens, I thought it was a gift from god then realised they belonged to my housemates lady friend. I have to admit, I considered taking them and even checked for the size, like who leaves there shoes outside overnight anyways? After seeing sense I decided this was a sign enough for me. I have such regrets about throwing out old pairs now, I had 3 pairs, black, ox blood and even mary janes, plus fake taller ones that were amazing! I really don't want to pay extortionate prices when I know this love is a flash in the pan, so the hunt begins!


Kitty said...

I found some, squeal, salvo's for $35 god bless those salvo's :)

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

ohh i just loove Dr. Martens !! haha , thanks for leaving a comment on my blog , reallyyyy appreciate it :D ooo , why're you coming to KL for next month ??

Kitty said...

Oh just for a holiday :)

Kirsty said...

i love the look of them, but they take ages to wear in and they can be very uncomfortable during that time, i just can't take the pain!

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