Monday, March 15, 2010

Nerd on

Kiel Mead is taking geek chic to a whole new level with these freck specs and retainer necklace, awesome. I would love to know how to make jewelry, it seems these days you just think of the craziest things and make them into a gold pendant, voila; and I want them all!


elsie said...

OK that retainer necklace is KILLING me - I'm 47 and still have to wear my retainer every night or my teeth shift - WHATAGEEKFEST!!

Kitty said...

Haha, no way, yeh I totally regret not wearing mine every night, I had braces then a retainer and no one told me I had to wear it forevs now my teeth are all crooked again, downer!

Trendy USA University said...

Holaaa:) me gusta mucho tu blog, te sigo y si te apetece te pasas por el mío.
Muchos besos y las gafas son preciosas

Colleen said...

ahhhh retainer necklace! unbelievable!

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