Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bored of Show coverage? Me too, BUT....

OMFG! I have to admit I am feeling a bit bored of blog show entries; any of us who love fashion are looking at the shows and seeing the same things, with different opinions of course, but for me my own opinion is enough. STILL I cannot help but praise and comment on burberry prorsum (I am sure there will be more but I am trying to hold myself back). Like we need anymore proof pilot jackets are gonna be the SHIT burberry goes and slams down the best version yet. I have already been looking on ebay for vintage pilot jackets but gosh darnit they are pretty pricey, so unless I find one in an second hand store I will probably just hold out for the topshop version.

Amaze at this wonderous outfit!

And the fur and those boots, they are also doing even better short versions of these sheepskin delights. Can you imagine heels with sheepskin lining, I can't. Comfier but sweatier perhaps, anyways they look way cool!
P.S. Where is my George Craig fix?


fritha louise said...

I love all the shearling jackets! Definitely my winter coat this year!

Unknown said...

ya that collection is reallly beautiful !

Bluefemme said...

Yes, I agree with you. Burberry nailed it! The boots are to die for!

Milla Fox Shops said...

Hey Kitty, love your blog hon, I've just found it. Great commentary. I love that blue jacket, where do I get one of those on a budget!!!

Unknown said...

thankyou for your nice comment :)

Megan Blair said...

Those boots are killer :)

The Beautiful and Glammed said...

I want to pre-order all of it, the boots, the shearling, the fur, amazingly amazing!! We'll definitely be back, come follow us if you fancy! Have a fab weekend, woop! xxx

Unknown said...

i love that furry coat! i wish i had a place to wear something like that. then i would wish for the money to own it.
im trying to get my fellow fashion bloggers to join BabysBlogging. I just think itd be a fun place for all of us to connect and share. its just me right now :(

Anonymous said...

yes, i think that all of these things are beautiful.x

Emma Hoareau said...

LOVE these boots!

Anonymous said...

The boots! Oh the boots!! If they are lined like ugg boots and made with natural fibers I imagine your feet would stay neat.

Thank you so, so much for the comment on my blog, I hope you come back :)

Winnie said...

Such an awesome collection! So wish I could afford one of those coats. I couldn't even afford half a sleeve!

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