Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not looking so cool now!

I have worn my Doc Martens twice, not painful at the time but after realised a massive blister forming, it brought back painful memories from my teenage years of wearing them and the same thing happening. Although this time, it has become badly infected. I have ended up having to go to the hospital, getting it injected and prodded at, more painful than any tattoo ever! But I love my doc's so much, but am gonna need to lay off them for a while, dammit!


Astrid Anna said...

Auch! Good luck!

Laura Tenshi said...

Omg,that's horrible.Have a speedy recover.I love Dr.Martens too but safety comes first,put them aside.
Tokyo and Seoul Dreams

Unknown said...

oh no! that's such a shame, and they're "doctor" martin's too...kind of ironic.

helen xx

Unknown said...

Ouch, been there, my feet are so weird I have these sort of things with all kind of shoes:(
I hope you'll recover soon!

Move said...

good luck, hope you get well soon!


Nedda Ebo said...

Omg! That's terrible!! I hope you feel better soon. Darn those Doc's.
Mustart x

r.▵. m○n○-ϟy said...

Eek. I think my feet have become immune to the terror of DMs, having been crammed into them as a child!

I probably have way too many pairs laying around.. ANYWAY, hope everything healed up *nods* x


Claudia said...

I always thought Docs were the best thing to wear if you want comfort and safety. What do your Docs look like? I'd kill for mintgreen ones. Mm, pretty.

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